Why I’m so into Human Design

In 2019, my friend Tricia asked me if I’d ever heard of Human Design… I hadn’t. She input my birth data into mybodygraph.com and then it was time for the Big Reveal!

“You’re not here to work - in the traditional sense of the word,” she said. “You’re on this Earth to BE. You’re a natural guide, teacher and a mentor. Let yourself be seen and you’ll receive aligned invitations. You need a lot of rest and are designed to work about 3-4 hours a day.”

She continued on, offering a pretty simple overview of my chart that brought me a wild amount of clarity. That day, I gained access to a new level of self-acceptance that I had been seeking for over a decade. Suddenly, my emotions, my professional achievements, my inner monologue, and my energetic experience of the world made sense. 

I understood why I felt a buzzing in my body after socializing in large groups and why it was so hard to fall asleep afterwards. I understood why I burst into tears every time I see a homeless person - and why it physically hurts me to see suffering. My nervous system made sense too. I began to understand my 6th sense for danger and untrustworthy people not as an anxiety or a ‘fear based’ mentality - but as part of who I am - and a blessing that has always kept me safe.

I understood why I never got any of the jobs or opportunities I aggressively tried to chase down - and why flowing with the current of life has always taken me in the correct direction. Why I have never been interested in - or energetically able to - ‘hustle’ or ‘grind’ my way to success. I also to grasp why my creative process was so challenging too, and was able to release self-judgment and find new levels of self-compassion as I navigated overwhelming professional projects. 

Most importantly, learning about Human Design helped me let go of a ‘compare and despair’ mentality. 

I always had so much shame about not being more productive and not being able to work harder - even as a rest-obsessed meditation teacher. (Societal conditioning runs DEEP.)

I’d see my friends in the Los Angeles spiritual/wellness community get book deals, roll out online courses, and build huge social media followings, sometimes in a matter of months. It seemed like everyone was so far ahead of me professionally. That I couldn’t catch up. That I was somehow doing everything wrong. But I didn’t understand how they did it - or why they wanted to do it. I couldn’t seem to bring myself to want to work harder. I developed a narrative that I was lazy. But unsurprisingly, guilting and shaming myself into finding motivation didn’t work. 

The motivation just wasn’t there. I didn’t want to build a membership platform. I didn’t want to map out a 3 month ‘content strategy.’ I didn’t want to build sales funnels. I didn’t want to build or create anything. I wanted to lead Teacher Trainings. I wanted to work with people one-one-one. I wanted to write quietly. I wanted to rest. I didn’t want to be a ‘wellness entrepreneur.’ I didn’t want to take list-building webinars with Amy Porterfield or be told that I could build a six figure business if I grind hard enough. I wanted to figure things out MY way. And build the career and the life that were right for ME. And to trust myself as I walked my unique path. And through understanding my Human Design, I started to do exactly that. I stopped wasting my energy and time worrying about how other people were doing their unique paths - and I started truly living my own life.

Discovering Human Design has brought so much clarity and so much wisdom into my life. Both in understanding and accepting myself - and others. I’m really excited to share it with you.

So - at this point, you might be asking ‘Okay Hil. This all sounds great, but what is it?

In short, Human Design is a chart based system that draws on elements from astrology, the I Ching, the chakra system, and the Kabbalah. 

It’s a pragmatic self-inquiry system based on your birth data that helps you understand:

  • your energetic experience

  • how others experience your energy 

  • how to make wise decisions

  • how to make the most of your natural gifts 

  • how to find aligned opportunities 

  • the areas where you’ve been influenced by society or your upbringing - and how you can release this conditioning 

  • how to accept yourself so you can live in harmony with your nature 

and (although I hate saying it)…. so much more!! 

You don’t have to believe in anything to benefit from this system - just keep an open mind, and see if anything resonates. If it can bring you even a fraction of the clarity and self-acceptance it’s brought me - it will be game-changing. 

I’m terrible at analogies, but my husband helped me come up with this one. 

Think of the day, time and place of your birth as creating sort of an architectural blueprint for your design as a human being.

Different architects will interpret the blueprint differently and build entirely different houses from the same design. So who you become in life in life is not fixed or predetermined. It depends on how the architect brings the blueprint to life - and it also depends on the construction company and the workers that build the house, where it’s built, the materials they use, and the fixtures they choose. 

So, the way you were raised, where you were raised, and the life experiences you’ve had along the way determines quite a lot about who you become and how you experience the world. 

But it’s important to recognize that, just like in a house, nothing is permanent. If there are outdated fixtures that could use a refresh, you can replace them! If there’s a wall where you’d rather have a window, you can change that. If there’s an old staircase that needs to be rebuilt because it doesn’t feel safe or supportive, you can rebuild it. You might even need to repair the foundation. It’s going to be a big job, but it can be done. It’s never too late to make your house a better place to live - and it’s always worth it. 

So there you have it :) A very short intro to Human Design, why it’s been so transformative for me, and why I’m so passionate about sharing it with others!!

If you want to learn about YOUR unique Human Design, you can book a Foundational Reading with me here.

From there, if you want to work together on a longer-term basis, Self-Inquiry Sessions might be a good fit :)


human design glossary