teacher mentorship

Get out of your own way and get stoked to claim your right to share your wisdom with the world. Receive an empowering blend of inspiration, practical guidance, and action steps.

Move through the challenges that are holding you back from fulfilling your potential and sharing your gifts. Teacher Mentorship sessions are offered monthly, in 3 or 6 month packages.

Someone writing in a journal with a blue pen, glasses and a large mug in the foreground.

why should I work with you?

If you know you need to move outside your comfort zone professionally, but you’re facing fear, anxiety, or confusion - I got you. 🫶🏼

I’ve faced - and overcome - all of the challenges that you’re facing right now. I know what you’re going through.

I’ve been teaching for over a decade, teaching and working with clients full-time since 2015, and leading teacher trainings since 2017.

Since I moved to Los Angeles 8 years ago, I’ve been teaching at a pretty high level - and it hasn’t been easy or comfortable. But I’ve made a habit of confronting my fears and moving through them - and if we work together, you will too. 🤗

Mala with natural wood colored beads and a black tassel on a white table.

why you might need mentorship

If we encourage our our students and clients to get out of their own way to find joy, fulfillment and purpose, and say things like:

  • live beyond fear

  • trust yourself

  • find your joy

  • get out of your own way

…we need to make sure we’re offering that guidance from a place of embodied authenticity and integrity. We need to be walking the walk.

But sometimes it’s hard to navigate on our own. As solo entrepreneurs, it’s a LOT to balance creating offerings, holding space for students and clients - AND the admin of running a small business – all while making sure we stay balanced, inspired, and committed to growth.

It’s pretty overwhelming to hold space for ourselves as we move through fear, creative blocks and moving beyond our comfort zone. To fully move in the direction of our fulfilling our potential, sometimes we need some guidance from folks who really get how hard it is.

And trust me - I really get it.❤️

“Living up to your potential is scary. the only thing scarier is NOT living up to your potential.”

— Hilary

What I’ve Faced


In a teaching capacity: 

  • Major imposter syndrome.

  • Fear of coloring outside the lines and teaching intuitively.

  • Fear of claiming my right to share my wisdom.

  • Discomfort stepping into the role of ‘teacher trainer.’

  • Difficulties with boundaries.

  • Performance anxiety.

  • Fear of public speaking.🙈

  • Fear of being seen.

On a life purpose level:

  • Fear of not fulfilling my potential.

  • Exhaustion and fear around the notion OF fulfilling my potential.

  • Confusion around my mission, my message, and how to express it.

  • Finding my way back to my passion through uninspired periods of self-doubt.

  • Realizing my life purpose is bigger than I previously imagined - and finding the courage to expand my vision.

On an entrepreneurship level:

  • Major compare and despair.

  • Not knowing the value of my wisdom or my time.

  • The learning curve of being my own legal advocate in contract negotiation.

  • Sales cycle fatigue (omg I have to do this every time I have an offering forever?!? 😫)

  • Ickyness around personal branding, social media, and self-promotion.

  • Understanding my creative process.

  • Shape shifting my services based on my clients instead of being clear on my offerings. 

Tell Me More, Hil…

I started my career in LA in a state of profound confusion over my mission and my message. Just as things started to really come together for me professionally, I experienced the groundlessness of spiritual trauma. That’s a long story for another day - but in short, I lost confidence in the practices, the teachings, my teachers - myself. I had no idea what was true or what was mine to teach. Finding my way through that was extremely confronting, but led me into relationship with my own intuitive wisdom, and I’m grateful every day that I had the courage to ‘color outside the lines.’ 🖍

Imposter syndrome comes up less and less these days, but for years it was a major theme of my inner monologue! Since I moved to LA, I’ve been working with a lot of super high achievers - including UHNW individuals (‘ultra high net worth’), C-suite executives in tech and entertainment, producers, multiple Grammy award winning artists, and successful actors. And - whoaaa - working with folks at the top of their game activates and amplifies the ‘but who am I to…?’ voice in my head. Over time, I’ve gotten really good at getting myself out of this headspace by looking at the facts - I’ve spent nearly 15 years immersed in wisdom traditions and wellness. I have thousands of hours of training. But more importantly - I do my best everyday to live it.

I’ve also shifted my thinking around imposter syndrome - the fact that it still comes up is a good thing. It keeps my ego in check! I don’t want to ever assume I’m an expert in anything. Because then I’ll stop learning.

When you’re creating content for apps, streaming platforms or businesses, contract negotiations are also part of the job. l’ve had to give myself a crash course in legalese, so I could advocate for myself around compensation, content ownership, licensing, acquisition, and intellectual property. It’s pretty intimidating stuff - and I’m very much still learning, but I’m getting better at it every deal I make. 🧐 And trust me, I’ve made some BAD deals!!

My fear of negative evaluation pops up all the time. Every negative review I receive on a class or a guided meditation, there it is! Sending out newsletters triggers it too - ohhh the Unsubscribe Anxiety!! 😖 But I always remember that Teddy Roosevelt quote - ‘the credit belongs to the one who is actually in the arena.’ And I’m not leaving the arena - so might as well get on with it!

I’ve also faced down my lifelong fear of public speaking, giving seminars and workshops to 100+ people. I used to be terrified teaching a class to 10 people. It’s still not my favorite thing - but these days, I can keep my cognitive cool - even if my body is freaking out with sweaty palms and a racing heart. Practice makes progress!

I’ve also learned how to navigate performance anxiety and perfectionism when recording audio content and have successfully created guided meditations and courses that thousands of people listen to each day. I still haven’t quite gotten comfortable recording video content - but I’m getting better! I recorded a 60 second promo video the other day and it only took me 15 minutes…instead of an hour!! Progress, not perfection! 🙌🏼

I could go on - but you get it. I’ve faced down some shit. I’ve moved through all the things. And I will keep moving through all the things, as they arise. Even when I don’t want to. Because that’s what having a mission driven, fulfilling career rooted in self-awareness requires.

If that’s what you want - I can help.

“We have to embrace the moments in life when we have the space to truly step into our genius.”

— Hilary

Hilary Jackendoff smiling and dancing on the Los Angeles beach, wearing an olive green jumpsuit and a paisley shawl.

I’m For You If you…

  • want to overcome your fear of playing big

  • are looking for a pragmatic and intuitive cheerleader, a colleague, a mentor, and a spiritual friend.

  • need your unique gifts and wisdom called out.

  • want someone to ask the right questions to help you find a fresh perspective on whatever is blocking you.

  • need someone to lovingly call bullshit when you’re letting fear and shoulds inhibit your success and professional satisfaction.

  • need to get stoked on claiming the right to share your wisdom with the world in a way that is authentic and natural to you.

  • struggle with time management as a solo entrepreneur and need accountability and strategy.

  • need help brainstorming ideas to clarify your vision, inspire your creative process and provide strategic support to create offerings, courses, or trainings.

  • need guidance on the fundamentals of holding space or nuanced, practical skill-building support teaching meditation and Yoga Nidra.

Hilary Jackendoff of Meditation Chick, standing on the beach with eyes closed, practicing mantra meditation with a mala.

I’m Not For You If You Want…

Crush Your Business Goals vibes

You might not be ready to crush goals - and that’s okay with me. I’ll hold space for wherever you are in your process. But if you are ready to set goals and take action, I can help clarify your vision, brainstorm ideas, and support your creative process with strategy.

‘Your Thoughts Create Your Reality’ vibes

The power of thought is real, but I’m not into New Age manifestation magic. It’s super problematic as a foundational view. There is truth in it - but it’s not the Truth. I see it as a lazy teaching for privileged people that creates a shallow culture that enables young souls to spiritually bypass suffering.

‘Become a 6 Figure Entrepreneur’ vibes

Money is awesome - I’m well-compensated for my expertise, skills, and time and you should be too. But if hitting financial goals is your primary motivation, I’m not a good fit for you. That’s the quickest way to lose your integrity in this line of work.

  • 3 month package


    • you need some support addressing a few key professional challenges

    • you need creative support, inspiration and accountability to bring a new project into being

    • you need help getting clear on your mission and your message


    • Three 60-75 minute sessions on Zoom, scheduled monthly.

    • Email and Voxer access (within reason), so we can stay connected through the month.

    • Customized journal prompts.

    • Recommendations for next steps, based on your unique challenges.

    • Creative strategizing and accountability to provide measurable results and achieve specific goals.


    3 month packages expire after 5 months.

  • 6 month package


    • you need creative support, inspiration and accountability to bring a new project into being

    • you need help getting clear on your mission and your message

    • you are absolutely done with all of the negative self-talk and shoulds in your professional life.

    • you are ready to step into power and purpose and play big

    • you’re ready to let go of fear, and fully share your natural gifts and wisdom with the world


    • Six 60-75 minute sessions on Zoom, scheduled monthly

    • Email and Voxer access (within reason), so we can stay connected through the month

    • Customized journal prompts

    • Recommendations for next steps, based on your unique challenges.

    • Creative strategizing and accountability to provide measurable results and achieve specific goals.


    6 month packages expire after 8 months.


  • Yep, you can.

    A 60-75 minute single session is best if:

    • you have a few simple, skill-specific questions

    • you need a little confidence boost and a fresh perspective.

    • you need to talk some things out to help get clear on your next steps

    • you have a teacher ethics dilemma.

    Single sessions are a ‘one-off,’ so you do not receive Voxer access or ongoing email support.

    Book a single session here.

  • Because if you’re struggling professionally, you need to be able to afford help.

    Investing in yourself is one thing - living beyond your means is quite another.

    I am here to be of service and hold space with integrity - and for me, right now - this is what that looks like, from a financial perspective.

  • Yes.

    3 month packages expire in 5 months.

    6 month packages expire in 8 months.

  • If it’s a good fit and you’re making breakthroughs and feeling inspired - of course we can keep working together!

    I’d love that.

    However, if you aren’t consciously taking steps to move forward after 6 months - and you want me to keep taking your money - I am definitely NOT down with that.

  • We’ll talk :)

    There are always exceptions…

    For example, if you’re working on a big project that requires more accountability and brainstorming than a monthly session, I’m all in for that.

    I suggest starting with a 6 month package, and we’ll go from there.

  • Because when I work with folks weekly, there’s not always enough time in a week to implement the action steps we discussed. Sometimes this can trigger shame and avoidance. Which leads to cancellations.

    Otherwise, the session is unfocused and unnecessary - and we don’t make any progress.

    Also - when I work with folks weekly, sometimes I end up feeling like a therapist, getting into the minutiae of daily life…and that doesn’t play to my gifts - or qualifications.

  • Because it’s a really helpful system of self-discovery that encourages you to ask yourself questions you may never have asked before.

    And if we’re teaching self-awareness, energy management, and skillful decision making - we have to learn what that looks like for ourselves.

    HD can provide a point of inquiry in regards to how your energy naturally functions, how people receive your energy - as well as your gifts and roadblocks to success.

    All very useful info to consider, since you are consistently engaging with students and clients, trying to manage your time and energy, and stay motivated and focused as a solo entrepreneur.

  • Your Human Design can be leveraged to help you thrive professionally - and work in a way that honors your energy and natural gifts.

    More info below!!

Foundational Human Design Reading for teachers

This is for you if you want to:

  • Leverage your Human Design to help you thrive professionally.

  • Release compare and despair.

  • Honor your energy.

  • Understand how your students and clients see you.

  • Gain insights into potential areas where you might be projecting onto your students and clients.

  • Learn to recognize your unique gifts and challenges.

  • Get clear on your creative process.

  • Access custom journal prompts based on your Human Design and your specific challenges.

  • Access to Human Design based meditations for deconditioning (coming soon!)

get 20% off your Foundational Human Design reading when you purchase a Teacher Mentorship package!!

Make sure you schedule your Human Design BEFORE your first Teacher Mentorship Session!

Turquoise Human Design body graph, with white channels between gray energy centers.

side bar:

How Human Design has helped me

Understanding the basics of my Human Design has enabled me to release professional compare and despair, trust my process, and step into my power.

The Los Angeles wellness community is a SCENE - and my friends are all my colleagues. And they straight up crush it on a daily basis.

Writing books, creating countless online courses, launching membership platforms, growing their social media, getting tons of press….always doing the most.

I felt ashamed for not working harder. For not accomplishing more. For not ‘manifesting’ it. I also felt confused - I just didn’t know how they did it. Also - a part of me didn’t want to do it. I started to doubt my capabilities and my potential for success.

In an instant, Human Design showed me that I was comparing apples 🍎to carrots 🥕. Immediately, I let go of self-judgment, stopped wasting energy, embraced my uniqueness, and started showing up with more confidence and joy.

If you’re down, I’d love to help you leverage your gifts and overcome your challenges, as they relate to entrepreneurship and teaching through Human Design. ❤️

And as a special gift - after you book your Teacher Mentorship package, you’re invited to book a Foundational Human Design reading for 20% off!

Are you Ready to Step into Your Purpose and Play Big?