Dopamine in Daily Life

A few weeks ago, I went to see Andrew Huberman speak at The Wiltern Theater, here in Los Angeles. Besides learning that he is just an absolute delight of a human being, I learned a few new practical science-y things …including a very actionable takeaway about getting more Dopamine in Daily Life.

You might already know that dopamine is a neurotransmitter we need, want, and are motivated to get. Basically, anything that makes us feel good is linked to dopamine release - and so we are focused and motivated to get MORE of it. To feel good - MORE. It's the ‘more molecule.'

So how do we get MORE of the more molecule in our daily lives?

There are plenty of ways we can get our dopamine kicks. ‘Pleasure or reward seeking behaviors’ are associated with dopamine release. Our phones, sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, ‘retail therapy’ (ugh hate that phrase so much🤮) - we get dopamine from all these things!

But beyond these ‘reward seeking behaviors,’ we also get dopamine in another way….keep reading to find out :)

But first - I didn’t learn this from Huberman… but did you know that you also get a ton of dopamine from Yoga Nidra?? 🥳 A 2002 study out of the University of Copenhagen showed Yoga Nidra increases endogenous dopamine release by up to 65%.

The fact that dopamine is released in response to a deep, restful meditative state…as opposed to in response to our phones, a beer, or a line of cocaine …I mean….WOW. Can't put you in a box, Dopamine!!

Andrew Huberman, aka, the Punk Rock King of Science, pointed out that dopamine release is not just linked to pleasure. It’s also linked to our motivation and focus to accomplish goals, as well as the sense of possibility (or variable reward) that comes from staying motivated and focused on accomplishing goals. And of course, we know accomplishing goals makes us feel good…so dopamine effectively drives us to get more dopamine…

…simply by completing tasks.

By simply completing tasks, we feel a small sense of accomplishment from having achieved a goal. And so we are motivated to do MORE.

(And if you are dealing with any mental health issues and struggling to find that forward momentum in life, by completing small, manageable tasks, you will build your capacity to tackle larger tasks.)

So that's what I've been doing. I've been deliberately squeezing more dopamine out of my brain simply by completing simple tasks.

Huberman gave the example of making a cup of coffee. ☕️ When you go to make a cup of coffee, you are initiating an action sequence. You make the coffee, drink the coffee…but the action sequence isn't complete yet. You gotta wash the cup, dry the cup, and put the cup away.☕️

And then when you complete an action sequence, HERE’S DOPAMINE!!!

The cup of coffee example really hit home for me…because I’m the messy one in my marriage. 🙈 And I have been known to leave my dirty coffee cup(s) in surprising locations. Josh is the in-house barista - and his Number 1 domestic frustration is my bizarre resistance to washing my cup. So he could not be more stoked about me finally having a science driven, intrinsic motivation to be less of a slob.

I’ve also been making the bed every day. And folding my half dirty clothes and placing them neatly on the chair instead of throwing them on the floor…

Josh has taken to yelling ‘FINISH STRONG, HIL!’ And I have taken to yelling ‘DOPAAAMIIIINE!!’ as I consciously complete action sequences.

I highly recommend noting the moment of dopamine acquisition in some way. It feels great! Even if you don't do the yelling. Although I do think the yelling adds a certain je ne sais quoi. It feels affirming and celebratory. 🥳 We gotta celebrate our little wins!!

Personally, whenever I acknowledge my little wins, I feel quite proud of myself, no matter how small the accomplishment. Which leads to more dopamine. More pleasure and motivation. Which reinforces the pattern and the new neural pathways it’s creating!!!

Let me know how it goes :)


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